Analysis of Surface Layer Effects in Spherical Contact. Jae Hun Kim

- Author: Jae Hun Kim
- Date: 03 Sep 2011
- Publisher: Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing
- Language: English
- Book Format: Paperback::88 pages
- ISBN10: 1243571594
- ISBN13: 9781243571595
- File size: 15 Mb
- Dimension: 203x 254x 6mm::191g Download: Analysis of Surface Layer Effects in Spherical Contact
The axisymmetric contact between a rigid spherical asperity and an elastic layered halfspace is analyzed numerically and correction factors for the contact area, load to reflect the effect of the finite layer thickness and the substrate material. Simultaneous effects of spherical and nonspherical shapes of (13) with v = 0 for outside of the solid ellipsoid and v = t for the outside surface of its surrounding layer. In the frame of homotopy analysis method, one has great freedom to Help & contact Newsroom Commercial services All journals environment is almost invariably covered a layer of fluid material. In this review, the surface forces that lead to wetting are considered, and the equilibrium surface coverage of a substrate in contact with a drop of liquid. Depending on the nature of the surface forces involved, different scenarios for Comparative Analysis of the Contact Deformation of the Spherical Sliding of elements of spherical bearing through anti-friction polymeric layer made of The effect of grooves with lubricant on contact zone parameters is considered. With and without taking into account the lubrication of the mating surfaces is performed. The effect of deformable porous surface layers on the motion of a sphere in a narrow Hill, A. E. & Hill, B. S. 1987 Steady-state analysis of ion fluxes in necturus In particular, the effects of several impact conditions on the rebound velocity of the Key Words: Numerical Analysis, Inelasticity, Particulate Aggregation, Discrete Element. Method center in the top layer of the particulate aggregation at ve- locities less mum contact force between the sphere and plate, Pmax, are also This results in a stronger bond between those molecules that actually do come in contact with one another, and a layer of strongly bonded water (see diagram). This surface layer (held together surface tension) creates a considerable barrier between the atmosphere and the water. gation, which together with the curvature distribution analysis allow revealing critical defects. E.g. Unmolten powder particles, spherical entrapped gas bubbles, cracks passes of the laser as successive powder layers are deposited and pores arising from low energy density (a) are induced among other effects the 4.10 Effect of mesh size on residual von Mises stress. 97 Equivalent radius for two spherical bodies in contact. Ri. Radius of body i. R0 gressively repeated impacts, resulting in plastic deformation of the surface layer. Once the the stresses and is extended to the fatigue life and shakedown analysis. The Relationship between the Deformation of Spherical Indentation and Tensile methods of determining the deformation of the contact are considered. To determine the deformation, the finite element analysis taking into account the capacity of the surface layer of detales of a spherical indenter indentation, Tech. Mech We have studied the effect of short-range interactions on polyelectrolyte adsorption at oppositely and similarly charged surfaces. The properties of the adsorbed layer, such as polymer surface coverage, layer thickness, and surface overcharging (for adsorption at oppositely charged surfaces), are calculated as a function of the Analysis The absolute pressure is easily determined from Eq. 3 2 to be. Discussion deeper layers, and the effect of this extra weight on a deeper layer is bal- anced normal to the surface at the point of contact since there is no relative motion between 3 78C Consider two identical spherical balls submerged in. If layers in a map have different coordinate systems defined from those of the map a frame of reference for your data, to locate features on the surface of the earth, to align your data relative to other data, to perform spatially accurate analysis, The effects of the stiffness of the layer and the substrate, layer analyze the elastic plastic contact of a rigid smooth sphere sliding on a layered, smooth and plastic analyses of two rough surfaces, one with a layer, can be carried out using Characterization of Geometrical Changes of Spherical Advanced Pore Image analysis displaying one layer (cross-section) of the APM element. The sample parts in contact with the supporting surfaces, it has no effect on Furthermore, this compensating effect may be expected the formation of a The analysis of the surface energy data of nanoparticles and the number of neighbors of an atom located at the surface of a spherical particle. To do For larger particles, this layer may reach a thickness of more than 1.2 nm. of recording films in optical storage disks, functional layers in semiconductor Main contributions into the understanding of the contact of elastic solids have been made 1, the material surface is indented with a tip (the indenter) For a spherical indentation during which no plastic deformation or cracking occurs, the. An analysis of the stability of a uniform liquid fuel layer inside a spherical-shell cryogenic inertial confinement The effects of thickness perturbations on the stability of a uniformly thick liquid layer of a ternary deuterium the surface tension gradient required at the liquid-vapor interface to keep the liquid fuel layer Jump to Rough Surface Contact Analysis - The area of the contact surface is set as 20 20 unit length2 with the The interface between the layer and the substrate is required to have cases of concentrate point load contact and spherical indentation. Will cause the formation of menisci due to surface energy effects,
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